Tuesday, November 29, 2016

11/28/2016 @ 6:14 AM~~Szervusztok kedves barátaim!

Szervusztok kedves barátaim!

This week was a really busy week, and went really well! Monday night we met with a new investigator, Valeria, who is actually someone we met through English class last week! She is a really sweet lady, has a catholic background, and is very open to learning about other religions. She said in the past she used to attend English class quite frequently, but surprisingly she had still never heard about the Book of Mormon. We were able to introduce her to it, and bear our testimonies about it can help her, and she said that she was really excited to read it! We are planning on visiting her tonight, so we are excited to see how that goes, and want to talk about the Restoration and baptism!

On Tuesday we went to Veszprém to do exchanges with Sister Swenson and Evans.It was so great being back there, I miss it so much! Luckily i got to see my favorite people though ( minus Erzsi Néni)  It was really neat being able to work with Sister Evans again, after having trained her. She is an amazing missionary, so bold and ready to work, and her language is coming along extremely well, she is definitely going to be able to help a lot of people here in Hungary! The work in Veszprém is still kind of slow, but we were able to visit a less active member that we have been working with for a while, and her daughter was there, and so we talked to her about the church in general and then I asked if she would like to be baptized, and she said yes! So they are going to start meeting with her regularly, which is really exciting for them! 

Wednesday we had planned to meet with our investigator Emmanuel, but unfortunately he had to cancel, so that was a bummer. But we went over to Berenyi Zsuzsa's house and had a lesson with her and it went really well. We read out of Moroni 7: 13-16 about how we can recognize the spirit, and how to tell if something is true or not. She was still having a hard time understanding, so we stopped and read 1 Nefi 1 with her, and stopped every few verses to talk about how those specific versus invite us and entice us to do good and Believe in Christ. It went really well! We gave her an assignment to read a chapter everyday, and when I called her Friday to check up on her reading, she said that she had read it, so that was really neat!

Thursday was just a fantastic day! In district meeting we did it a little bit thanksgiving themed at the end, and Elder Heaps had us go around in a circle and each bear our testimony about why we are thankful to be serving a mission. It was really neat to be able to hear everybody's individual testimony and see the growth that they have made while serving here in Hungary. It was a great time to reflect on all the things that I have learned on My mission. It is crazy that it is starting to wind down to a close, but there is seriously nothing that I am more grateful for, or anything that I have ever learned more from than my mission! I am excited for the things I am going to continue to learn in these last 12 weeks as I finish strong to the end!

After district meeting we had a nice little thanksgiving lunch with the district! Half of them aren't even American, but we made them celebrate with us anyways! It was a great celebration, and we finished it off with a little Christmas photo shoot! I will send a few pics, but if you want one of the good ones, you will have to send your address, and you will get it by way of postcard :)

That night, before English class, we met with a lady named Dora. Its actually a pretty crazy story. I found her number in my phone and decided to text her and ask if she would be interested in meeting. She said yes, and so we decided on Thursday! Only problem is that i forgot to write it in my planner... So we are out tracting Thursday night when i get a text that says "I'm here.I read the text to Sister Withers, and we both looked at each other, and just took off running to the tram stop! Unfortunately we were still a good 30 minutes away from the branch house, so that was awkward! But I called her, and she said that she would just be waiting for us. So we show up 30 minutes late and meet with her, and turns out she had met with elders a few years back, and she told us that she believes our church is the most true church of any on the earth. She also has already read the whole book of Mormon and knows that it is true! I kept on having this feeling that I needed to ask her to be baptized, but I wasn't sure if Sister Withers and I were on the same page, so I was kind of scared. And then Sister Withers started talking to her a little bit about prayer and shared a scripture with her, and I  just kept feeling like I needed to ask her to be baptized, but I wasn't sure, because now they were in a discussion about prayer.  I couldn't deny the feeling though, so I just opened my mouth and the spirit just put the words in my mouth and I was somehow able to make a transition from prayer and counseling with God, to following the example of Christ, and then just openly asking her to be baptized. I can honestly say that I have never done that before in a first lesson, other than last week with Emmanuel in English, and as I heard the words come out of my mouth, I was kind of scared. But I waited a while and then came her response, "I would love to! But I dont want to rush it, maybe in a month or two!" It was amazing! Apparently she wasn't too mad about us being 30 minutes late! All kidding aside, this was seriously a miracle though! This whole transfer, well actually my whole mission, I have just been praying to find that person who the Lord has prepared, and I truly feel like she was an answer to our prayers! We are going to be meeting with her Tomorrow night (we will be on time this time) and extending January 14th to her as her baptismal date to start working towards! I am so excited for her!

On Friday we were supposed to meet with one of our potential investigators, Kornél, but he called us and said that he had to cancel, unfortunately. He was very sincere about it though, and he really does seem interested, so he told us that he would call us as soon as he knows his work schedule so that we can meet! I am really looking forward to that, because he seems so ready, and he is married with a few young kids! We really want to be able to meet with the whole family and be able to share with them our knowledge about how they can live together forever!

This week, we studied hope for the Christlike attribute! This is honestly my favorite subject ever! I could go off on it forever, but I will spare you! So I thought I would just share this one scripture that I hadn't ever read before this week, but that summarizes the concept of hope really well in my mind. It is from Psalms 33: 21-22.

"For our hearts shall rejoice in Him, because we have trusted in His holy name. Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we hope in thee."

 I love this for so many reasons! One, Christmas is coming up, and its my favorite time of the year, because we truly get to remember his life and all he did for us, and our hearts are full with rejoicing in him! And then second, it correlates really well with the scripture in Moroni 7:41 that asks what is it that we can hope in, and then answers with we can hope in Christs Atonement and resurrection, knowing that because of him we can be lifted to life eternal! And I love the way that psalms wraps it up, that his mercy will be upon us according to our hope in Him! My mission has taught me that we cannot place our hope in people or in things, because that hope will fail us, But I know that if we have hope in Christ and in his atonement, then we will truly be able to inherit eternal life through his love and grace! And I cant think of a single better message than that!

Well, that is all I have for this week, thank you guys for all your support, never forget how much I love you, and have a great week!

Sok Szeretettel,
LeBaron Nővér

This cabbage actually cost 2 cents. If I did the math right 😬

Mon 11/21, 8:48 AM~~ Bocsi, magyarul lesz... DE CSAK 100 NAP MARAD!!!!!

Hey folks! I don't have a lot of time, and Sister Withers, the secretaries, and I have decided that we will only be speaking Hungarian this week, so this email will be a short one, and in Hungarian... Feel free to just google translate it if you would like, I cant promise that it will say the same thing that a wrote, but Sok Sikert! Here are a few highlights in English and then you can at least just enjoy the pictures at the end! I love you all and have a great week!

1) we are down to less than 100 days, talk about crazy! We celebrated with the famous fruit soup at Kláras house! It was peach this time!
2) It snowed this week!

3) for pday we cooked with Sister Szabadkai, it was delicious! She gave us left overs and it lasted the whole week! We did not cook a single meal!

4) We now have an African investigator! he is the coolest person ever! We invited him to pray about Baptism in the first lesson! It was kind of scary, but super exciting! And he said that he would! Also it was English and i kinda of slaughtered that part of it, but we are meeting with him again, so I guess it wasn't too horrible!

 Ezen a héten a Withers Nővér meg én csak magyarul beszelünk, úgyhogy gondoltam hogy ez az email is magyarul legyen. Remélem érthető lesz!

Először, ezen a héten találtunk 3 új érdeklődőket! Egyikükkel, Tibornak hívják, találkoztunk amikor kopogtatunk Hétfő este. Emmanuellel is találkoztunk, a Bagozzi Nőverrel, mert Afrikai a srác és csak angolul beszél.  Nagyon jó volt a tanítás vele. Beszeltünk a Visszaállitásról és egy picit a keresztelésről. Emmanuel mondta, hogy imádkozni fog arról! Szeretett volna jönni istentiszteletre tegnap, de nem kélt fel időben. De Szerdán találkozunk vele, és szerintem nagyon jó lesz. Terveztük, hogy a visszaállítás filmet nézzük! És a harmadik érdeklődő, Dórinak hívják, volt egy ajánlás a Pétercsak Krisztitől. A Mormon Könyve Akció miatt, Kriszti adott neki egy példányt és Dori olvasott egy picit és mondta, hogy nagyon érdekes és akart találkozni velünk. Jobban magyaráztunk A Mormon Könyvét és hogyan kaphatunk egy választ arra, hogy igaz-e.

Megtaláltuk a Kovács Tibort! Végre! Nem annyira jó fizikailag, se lelkileg, de ő tudja, hogy Isten tud segíteni, és reméljük jobbá válni fog! szerintem ezen a héten meg fogjuk látogatni őt.

Pénteken és szombaton, Szolnokon voltunk egy napi csere miatt. A Brantley Nőverrel voltam. Nagyon jó fej és nagyon szorgalmasan dolgozott! Nem volt semmi tanítás, úgyhogy csak kerestünk az egész nap, de nagyon jó volt. Szerintem minden rendben van velük, és jól tudnak dolgozni egymással!

Ezen a héten tanulmányoztam a Krisztusba vetett hit, a kerületi "Krisztusi tulajdonságok Kihívás" miatt! Nagyon jó volt és igazából ez mar volt egy téma nekem meg a withers nővérnek ezen a cseren, hogy "NE KORLÁTOZZUK ISTENT!" Mert mi tudjuk, hogy isten csodákat tud tenni, és hogy ő szeretne segíteni nekünk az ő munkájában. A PMG Könyvben, ezt mondja a hitről " Ha hited van, akkor meg teszed mindazt, amit az Úr akar, hogy megtedd. saját magad és mások életében segítesz a jót elérni. Az Úr akarata szerint képes vagy csodákat tenni. a hited a szorgalomban és a munkában fog megnyilvánulni. a hit a hatalom egyik tantétele. Isten hatalom által működik, de hatalmát általában a hitre adott válaszként gyakorolja." tudom, a hitem miatt, hogy Isten szeret engem és tudok benne bízni. tudom, hogy vannak emberek itt Magyarországon és  különösen itt Budán, akik készen állnak az evangélium befogadására, és Isten vezetni fog minket hozzájuk csak ha hiszünk Benne, és gyakoroljuk azt a hitet. Tudom, hogy Isten egy csoda végező Isten és hogy csodákat fog tenni a hitünk szerint. Nagyon szeretem a Mormon 9. fejezetet 18-tol 22-ig. ezt mondja,
"18  És ki mondja azt, hogy Jézus Krisztus nem tett sok hatalmas csodát? És az apostolok keze által is sok hatalmas csoda történt.

  19  És ha akkor történtek csodák, akkor miért szűnt volna meg Isten a csodák Istene lenni, és lenne mégis olyan Lény, aki nem változik? És íme, azt mondom nektek, hogy ő nem változik; mert ha így tenne, akkor megszűnne Isten lenni; de ő nem szűnik meg Isten lenni, és ő igenis a csodák Istene.

  20  És ha megszűnik csodákat tenni az emberek gyermekei között, az azért van, mert hitetlenségbe süllyednek, és letérnek a helyes útról, és nem ismerik Istent, akiben bízniuk kellene.

  21  Íme, azt mondom nektek, hogy aki hisz Krisztusban, semmiben nem kételkedve, akkor az amely dolgot Krisztus nevében kér az Atyától, az megadatik neki; és ez az ígéret mindenkinek szól, egészen a föld széleiig.

  22  Mert íme, azt mondta Jézus Krisztus, Isten Fia, a tanítványainak, akik maradtak, igen, és minden tanítványának, a sokaság hallatára: Menjetek el az egész világba, és minden teremtménynek prédikáljátok az evangéliumot."

Erős bizonyságom van arról, hogy nem szűnik meg Isten a csodák Istene lenni. Tudom, hogy ha elég a hitünk, akkor fogunk látni sok csodát ebben a munkában!

Rémélem minden rendben van veletek! Köszönöm a támogatást!

Sok Szeretettel,
LeBaron Nővér