Monday, January 4, 2016

Boldog Új Évet {Happy New Years}‏

Good Ole Szeged: The Tisza & Dom Templom
Greetings to all my fellow Americans,
First things first, Happy New Years! I hope you all had some great celebrations to ring in the new year! Given that I am a missionary, we attended a little party at the Branch house and hung out with the members for a couple hours, played some ping pong, set off some fireworks, and were still in bed by 10:30 to spend the last few hours of last year and the first few of this one doing my favorite thing... That's right, SLEEPING! Hahah it was chill though, I really do love sleeping!
The work here in Szeged is still pretty slow, we spend 8 hours a day finding and most of the time with no success. I think for most people it would probably be quite depressing, but I've learned to just accept that that is how the work is here. I still wake up every day and do everything within my power to share the gospel with the people here in Szeged, but I have accepted that not everybody is ready for the gospel yet, and that is okay, what matters is that we are still trying and giving them the opportunity to accept it if they would like.

I've also come to realize that missions have a lot more purpose than just sharing the gospel with others. If you share the gospel with millions of people, but in the end your own relationship with God isn't stronger, how much of a success is it? I have come to realize in the past two transfers that this is MY mission. Even if the "missionary work" doesnt always seem successful, it doesnt mean that each day can't be its own success. There is alot more that can be achieved on a mission than simply just sharing the gospel, and there are a lot of other lessons that can be learned. In just the 5 short months I have been a missionary, I have already learned so much from my mission. I have learned how to be a better friend; to be more patient; to be more kind; to be more considerate of others and their personal feelings. I've learned how to forget myself and focus on others; I've learned who I want to ultimately be and the things I need to do to become that person... And there are many more things I have learned from being out here in Hungary, but most importantly I have come to a better understanding of my own personal relationship with God.

I know that God knows each of us by name and he loves us more than we could ever comprehend! I am literally so thankful for that knowledge in my life, and also the knowledge that he is always there for us! Sometimes we feel that life is hard and that the gap between who we are and who we want to become is too large to ever close, and alone it is. But that is the thing, we are not alone! Christ lived and died so that we wouldnt have to be.   He is always there for us, with His arms stretched out, willing and wanting to help us, if only we will let him. Christ has never failed, and He never will fail us! If we are willing to yoke ourselves to Him anything is possible. I have a strong testimony of this, and I have seen it many times in my life, both here in Hungary and at home! I am so thankful for the comfort that has come when I have been willing to turn to Him and humbled myself enough ask for help. I have a testimony of this gospel! I love it, I know that it is true, and I know that it brings blessings into our lives when we are willing to live according to it.
I have to go now, but I love all of you, and I hope that you all have a great year! Just remember that if things get hard, you are never alone; He is ALWAYS there!
Sok Szeretettel,
LeBaron Nővér





"Csolity Nover and I wearing our new Christmas Scarfs"

Good Ole Szeged: The Tisza & Dom Templom

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