Tuesday, March 29, 2016

3/21/2016~~Mini Week

Well folks, not much has happened since Thursday, so we will keep this one short!
Friday we had district meeting and a teaching appointment with a member, and afterwards we helped her plant some flowers in her garden! Friday afternoon, the mission president and his wife made a last minute trip down to Kecskemét, it was good to see them!
Saturday we met with Ilona and she gave Sister Jeppson and I some advice as to which horoscopes we are allowed to marry and which ones we need to stay away from. She told me that Elder Paul would be the best match for me, and Sister Jeppson should marry Elder Evans...it was a AWKWARD moment!!

Sunday we went to church...Big shocker there haha! We also got a little hungry last night and made some mystery snacks...nobody needs to know what it actually is hahaha 

And that there is a condensed version of the last 4 days, here are some photos attached below! I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Sok Szeretettel,
LeBaron Nővér  

We taught ourselves how to ride our bikes with no hands! So now we just hold each others!

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