Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Monday~July 11th

This week was just one more great week here in Békéscsaba! Nothing specific really happened, but it was just super good! We finished of the 4th with a nice Hungarian version of an American BBQ. It wasn't quite the same, but it was the thought that counts.

On Wednesday we had a few lessons cancel on us unfortunately so we decided to bake some brownies and go visit some active and inactive members! Typically the ovens here in Hungary make the baked goods a little different, but not this time! These where the best brownies I had had in a long time! It was hard to find the motivation to actually give them away haha! We put them in little bags and rode our bikes around town to the homes of the members! Sister Dorny plays the violin, so I had her bring her violin and we brought a hymn book and simply just sang with the members their favorite hymn and talked about whatever gospel principle it contained! It  made for a pretty great day! Sister Dorny also wrecked her bike while trying to use no hands, so that also made for some good laughs! 

On Saturday while we were tracting we ran into some lakes! So of course we took some pictures! This country just never ceases to amaze me with its beauty! I am so lucky to be able to call this place my home for these 18 months! There isn't a single other place I would rather be right now!

I hope that all of you are doing well, and enjoying the summer heat back home! I love you guys and hope y'all have a great week!
Sok Szeretettel, LeBaron Nővér    
Enikő (investigator) got home from the Balaton this week and we were able to meet! Afterwards she took us out for some ice cream! We just love her to death, she is so sweet!
Lunch at Kati's (member) - Krumpli Paprikás
Aliyah, our American friend, returned home this week. We will miss her, but we are so thankful for the opportunity we had to get to know her!
Trying to look like the classic biking photos lining the halls of the MTC
Sister Dorny before the wreck!

12 Weeks done the right way!


Hivatal/ jail time fun!

~When your sparklers are actually just candles :(

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