Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Jan. 9, 2017 ~~ MA ZÁRVA

Well folks, this week we took tracting to a whole new level!

We got let in the building by csengő number 20, but the door numbers stopped at 14, so we figured 20 must be the trap door on the ceiling... turns out we were wrong, but it was fun climbing up the ladder and knocking anyways!

But in all honestly, we got to tract A LOT this week! It started out Wednesday morning when we had a lesson planned at 10AM. It was going to be the first lesson I have had since I've been in Szombathely, which is kind of sad, but I was really excited to finally teach a lesson! Well, we showed up at her house, and she wasn't there! So we went back home and finished our studies and then headed out to another lesson we had planned! This one we had even planned for a member to come with us at all, and I had called her last night to make sure the appointment was still good for her. Rang the doorbell twice, called twice, but once again, nothing! We were both really bummed, and felt horrible that the member had come all the way out there for nothing. I apologized 20 million times,but Ági néni, being the sweetest thing ever, turned to me and asked what i was apologizing for, that I hadn't done anything. She told me that in the scriptures God doesn't tell us that our job is to gather everyone in and make them come unto him. Rather or responsibility is simply to give everyone the opportunity to come unto him, and whether they do or not is their choice. She told me that I had done my part, and I cant feel bad that the lady wasn't ready to accept. She asked if we had anything else planned for the day, and explained that we had one more lesson with a couple she knew. She reassured us that it would be a good lesson, that they definitely wouldn't cancel, and then told us to lift up our heads and have a good rest of the day, as she walked off to catch her bus. And i kid you not, 30 seconds later we got a call from an unknown number. I picked it up, and it was our last lesson for the day, saying to not be mad but that they cant meet at all this week! I sat there for a second not quite sure if I wanted to laugh or to cry! I told sister Towne, and she thought i was joking! But unfortunately i wasn't! She asked me if I like Rétes (which is a Hungarian baked good) and told me that there was a really good Rétes House around the corner and that this one was on her! Well, given our luck of the day thus far, it would only make sense that we would show up to find this sign on the door...
For those of you that don't read Hungarian, it says "closed today" and then underneath "will open tomorrow January 5th"! What store closes on January 4th of all days? We couldn't even believe it! This was how we felt, we had to document it so we would never forget!

      Sorry for the really ugly
    faces haha! We aren't very
     good at trying to be sad!
But there wasn't much else we could do, we could either go home, or go work... so we went with the latter! We stopped at the store and bought ourselves some German chocolate (brownie flavored, and it was delicious if you were wondering), and went tracting for 4 hours! The work here in Szombathely is really just pretty brutal, but after 2 and a half hours, we finally met a lady who was willing to listen to what we had to say! It was the first time in 4 weeks, it literally felt like a miracle! We had a good little discussion and she gave us her phone number, another first for Szombathely! Another hour later, we talked to a guy over the speaker phone and asked him if we could share a message with him, and he said that that would really interest him, but that he had to leave right now, and asked if he could find us on the internet! I decided to just be bold and just ask him for his phone number over the speaker phone, and surprisingly he gave it to me! We met him a few minutes later as he came out the door to leave and he is really cool! He said he cant wait to meet!
Also, just one more reason to love being in Szombathely...Is this couple not the cutest thing you have ever seen? #lifegoals

 So yes, the work here in Szombathely is not by any means easy, but miracles can still happen here too! Sometimes I think that God is just testing me as I come to the end of my mission to see if I will be patient and diligent in  enduring to the end, in really putting in a 100% effort until the day I go home! And I am ready to show him that I will! I am grateful for the opportunity I have to be here, and to learn and grow from the hard times!
                              It also snowed like 4 days this week, so riding our bikes around
                    town made for quite the little adventure! Luckily we haven't wrecked, yet!

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