Look at these adorable texts he sent me! Basically it says that his day was really great and that the only way it could have been better is if sister Dorny and I were there! Ahh I love that guy so much, and am so proud of him!!!
For the story of the week, this one comes from our adventures in
Sopron and is probably the funniest thing I've seen on my mission! We
were headed out of the apartment for lunch when we looked out the
stairwell window to see an older man fall to the ground
face first! Sister Towne thought he fell out of the tree, i thought he
fell off the bench right next to him, but either way it didn't look good.
So we booked it down the stairs and around the back side of the
apartment building to see what had happened. We told
him that we were going to call an ambulance and he told us not to. It
eventually came out that he was drunk and had just collapsed. However,
when we fell, his face just some pretty nasty cuts on his nose and
eyebrow! Two of the sisters ran to get some rags as
i began cleaning off his face with the tissues i had on me. Out of no
where he wished me a happy new years, so i wished him the same. Then he
said again, Happy new year, so i wished him the same once more, thinking
that perhaps he was so drunk he had forgotten
already! Nope! After 2 more times of saying the exact same thing, he
informed me that i was replying wrong... apparently the appropriate
response was to kiss him! He kept telling the other sisters that I am a
fairy and that he needs to kiss me. We all just
laughed for quite awhile, but he insisted on kissing me, and kept trying
to pull my hands to his mouth so he could at least kiss my hand. So the
other 3 sisters held his hands down while i finished washing off his
face! After a good 10 minutes of trying to
restrain him from kissing me, his neighbors showed up to carry him home.
He told them that he had to kiss me before they could take him home!
The man told him that his face was too bloody to kiss me, but he
insisted, asking how else he could possibly thank
me for helping him out! I told him he could just say thanks, and they
dragged him away, blowing me kisses the whole way! So that was quite the
start to our day! Like I have said before, you can always count on the
drunk Hungarians to make your day, or even
week for that matter!
On Monday we were able to meet with a less active Bea. She really
wants to come to church but she has to work 2 jobs right now to make by,
and as well as with her mom being really sick, she barely even has time
to meet with us, but it is really nice to
be able to go over and share a spiritual message with her and to help
try and carry her load and help her turn to the Lord who can truly lift
that burden from her!
Tuesday was a pretty busy day, we met with a lady from the
hajléktalan ház (homeless shelter) and were finally able to arrange our
service project there! The leader lady was really cool, and is giving us a lot of flexibility with ways that we can serve,
and actually wants us to come up with activities that we can do with the
people there, such as cooking or baking together, or putting on a
karaoke night, or organizing English lessons, in addition to helping
them organize all the donations that they receive!
I am really excited for this, i think it is going to be an amazing
opportunity for us to truly be examples to these people and live
according to the principles that we teach as missionaries, and that as
we work with them, they will be able to recognize not
only our love for them, but also the love that Christ has for them, and
that we are serving them simply out of our own personal love for Christ!
The lady in charge is also going to talk to one of their connected
associations that works with special needs people
and try to set up a service project for us over there too! So Id say
that as far as service goes, things are looking really good, I'm excited
to dive in this week!
When you find a sticker in the middle of Budapest that say Utah and Ether... not sure the connection, but its gotta be from a Mormon! |
Later that day we were able to meet with "R", She is a younger
mom, has been a member for about 6 years, and has really been struggling
with her testimony lately and is no longer super active in the church!
It is kind of sad, but the good news is that
she has realized that her relationship with God is lacking, and she
wants to change that! This was the second time we met with her, and the
branch president has asked that we teach her the missionary discussions
again. We taught the restoration this time, clearly
from a different angle given that she knows all the information already.
As we were talking about the nature of God, i felt prompted to ask her
if she feels that she has a relationship with God. It kind of surprised
myself that I was that bold, but she replied
that she knows she used to, but that she doesn't feel like it is there
anymore! We taught the whole lesson focusing on prayer and how just like Joseph Smith, she too can receive answers to her prayers and it went
really well, the spirit was super strong! Unfortunately
she didn't come to church though, which was kind of a let down, but
hopefully this next week!
After our lesson with R, we had a lesson with Anna, who is a new
investigator this week! She had met with the missionaries years ago, we aren't sure why they stopped meeting, but since then her husband died,
so we were able to briefly talk about the
knowledge that she can live with him again if she follows the example of
Christ! We are excited to meet with her this week and talk more about
the Plan of Salvation and what exactly it is that she needs to do!
We also met with one other in-active that day. Her husband is a
member, so he was there also, and we talked about why she hasn't been
coming to church, because she always promises us that she will. She said
that she doesn't like not being able to leave whenever
she wants to. We are having a hard time, because she just really isn't
progressing at all, and doesn't seem that interested in acting on any of
the commitments that we give her, even though she always promises that
she will. I would still like to drop by every
once in awhile to share a spiritual thought and help her be reminded of
the covenants that she has met with God when she was baptized, but i
think we are going to have to cut back to every 2 or 3 weeks.
Wednesday was Mission leadership council up in the Buda lands! I'm sure glad that i don't have to deal with the hecticness (i have no clue if that is a word, but i cant think of another word that fills the blank, so just excuse my horrible English these days!) of the big city anymore, but it was fun to be back for the day! I thought that MLC went really well! I really loved the emphasis on teaching repentance and baptizing converts! I have been reading the Book of Mormon in English and Hungarian this transfer, and i am in completely different parts of it in both languages, yet everywhere i read in both of them is simply talking about baptism unto repentance, and it really has impressed upon me that that is why we baptize people, to give them a chance to truly be clean again!
The Beautiful "Soproni Tűztorony" |
On Friday and Saturday we were in Sopron on exchanges. Sopron is
beautiful, definitely one of those cities that everybody needs to see at
least once!
Cause sometimes you run into pirates? |
Call me weird, but eggs are officially my favorite pizza toppings! |
Yay for Süti and yellow crocs!!! Jk, süti is the worst thing that has ever existed in the world, it always looks good, but is so deceiving. Yellow crocs on the other hand just speak for themselves, but Ilona can rock them!
We meet with her once a week and she is the cutest thing ever! She
is a member, is like 80 something years old and unfortunately has Dementia so she cant come to church anymore, and it is really sad, but she
is seriously just a doll and we love to visit
her! Speaking of dolls, she thinks the doll that she is holding in this
picture is alive, and she frequently talks to it, wipes its nose, and
kisses it until you would think its face is gonna fall off! I love her
to death though, we go over and sing songs to
her and watch church movies! It is the highlight of every week!
Well folks, that is all for this week! I love you and cant wait to see you soon!
Sok Szeretettel,
LeBaron Nővér
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